Sunday, August 6, 2017

Get Great Deals on Jewelry and Watches at Great Watches NYC

I’m proud to announce the launch of my Great Watches NYC brand in downtown Manhattan. It has been a long time coming, but now it’s finally here. As a director and film producer, I appreciate the value of fine fashion, and how the right watch can accentuate the right wardrobe.
Indeed, I encourage all my actors and actresses to look great in their film cameos and of course, on the red carpet. The right tie… the righ scarf… and of course the right watch can make a world of a difference. This is why I came up with the idea of launching a boutique shop and online review site, Great Watches.
It’s a place where I hope the high styling, flashy profiling fashionista will get quality information and reviews on Breitling, Guess, Komono and MVMT watches. Feel free to stop by at our place of business at:
Great Watches NYC
594 Broadway
Suite 555
New York, NY
(347) 201-0962

Visit Great Watches Website for Online Reviews and Deals

Find something in the store you want to buy right then? 
Hold off on your purchase, take note of the product, and see if you can buy it online. Just go back home, fire up that PC, relax, and enjoy the ride you'll take shopping on the internet. 
Prices are better on the internet than in retail stores anyway, and with the penny pinching we all need to do today, make your next purchase on the internet. Look at some price comparisons to see how you can save today! 
Let's do a little price comparison on retail shopping versus shopping online. 
For example, according to Kelkoo Shopping UK, The Oriental Charm lovely fashion bracelet can be had at a great bargain. 
Here is a little jewelry information: Chain length: 18CM Metal: Gold Plated Base Metal Minimum color:Yellow Gem Type , and is£18.50 online versus £29.99 in retail stores. This is enormous savings. Some of you may be concerned about delivery fees. 
You'll find that many online stores offer free delivery, especially on larger purchases.With voucher codes from, you may even find free delivery voucher codes.
Plus you can shop online with the touch of a few buttons, rather than burning up your gasoline and time shopping retail stores.What a deep discount! Let's do another price comparison to see how much you can save shopping online. 
At, the Citizen JY0000-53E Skyhawk JY0000-53E Men's Atomic Watch is available for £338.00 online, while the retail store carries the SAME watch for £487.50. What a tremendous savings!
Burton and Dorothy Perkins offer big discounts on watches and Jewelry with your Burton voucher codes, and Dorothy Perkins voucher codes from our Great Watches website. 

Best Online Watch Reviews at Great Watches

Finally, at my Great Watches website, you'll find the very best buying guides on Komono, Invicta, Guess and MVMT watches. We also have fancy sunglasses to make you classy like Audrey Hepburn or hot, Hot, HOT like Marilyn Monroe.
We understand that choosing a watch is a balance between quality and price. We want to have the nice metal encasing and the fanciest leather straps. We’ll help you choose the best affordable watches, whether it is MVMT or Timex pieces or even the occasional deal on a Rolex.