Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Make a CEO Video for NYC Business Today!

At 2Bridges, we help you film a cinematic CEO video for your NYC business.

We employ effective film techniques to make the very best profile videos to showcase on social media or on your website.

We choose the best location for the video. You cannot flaunt the financial might- or any other prowess for that matter- of a company in a conference room barely bigger than a matchbox so if you plan to showcase just how much of a big deal your company is, then pick out a location that walks the talk.

We can film with multiple cameras. Multiple cameras and multiple takes coupled with some topnotch editing ensure an abundance of choice when it comes to picking out your best sides and makes it easy for those tasked with editing to eliminate hesitations and combine the best parts of various takes and angles.

We can help craft the message so it's succinct and to the point. Let corporate jargon remain where it ought to be: at the office. Your primary objective is to humanize yourself and your company and effectively communicate with an audience encompassing a group of people with limited knowledge on what it is that you do.

Corporate jargon is one sure-fire way to ensure viewers won’t finish watching your video so convey your points in an easy-to-understand language that everyone understands.

To learn more about our video production services, visit our website.

For directions to our New York city location:

From Conneticut - Take I-84, I-684 to Hutchinson River Pkway S, I-278 W and then FDR DR to Robert F. Wagner Sr. Place in Manhattan, New York. Take Exit 2 on FDR DR. Follow Madison to Monroe St.

From New Jersey: Get on NJ-133. Go NOrth until you merge with I-95 and I-78 to Holland Tunnel. Enter Manhattan. Take Varick St, Franklin St, Worth St, Catherine St and finally Monroe St.

From Long Island: Get on Northern State Pkway. Merge with I-495. Stay on it until you hit Robert F. Wagner Sr. Place in Manhattan. Get on FDR Drive. Exit 2. Take Madison St to Monroe St.

Public Transportation: Take any bus to the Porth Authority Bus Terminal. Take A/C/E to West 4 St. Transfer to F train Get off East Broadway.

From Grand Central: take the 4/5/6 to Brooklyn Bridge. Walk 14 minutes to 25 Monroe st., NY, New York 10002.