With our video and photography services, we have everything you'll need to stand out in social media.
Facebook is expected to be 100 percent video in less than five years. If you don't have a video marketing strategy, you'll left behind by your competitors.
Here's how we make our video services stand out:
The Introduction has to "Pop"
The thumbnail has to catch the eye of the viewer so they click your video. When the viewer opens the video, the first 5 seconds are key. The music, the cinematography... the sizzle has to be there to keep the viewer's attention.
Focus on the Mission and less on the Product
Every potential viewer has a problem that needs solving. Identify with your client. Understand their needs and problems and provide solutions.
Most videos go for the direct sale and that's not the optimal way to market your videos. For every direct sale video, you'll need nine non-direct sale videos.
Non-direct sale videos don't try to sell but provide any or all of the following: information, humor and entertainment.
Get them to subscribe and to trust your brand.
Once they follow and subscribe, then you bring them into your sales funnel and show them direct sales videos.
Contact 2Bridges for your next video production project in NYC and stay on top of your competitors.
For directions to our New York city location:
From Conneticut - Take I-84, I-684 to Hutchinson River Pkway S, I-278 W and then FDR DR to Robert F. Wagner Sr. Place in Manhattan, New York. Take Exit 2 on FDR DR. Follow Madison to Monroe St.
From New Jersey: Get on NJ-133. Go NOrth until you merge with I-95 and I-78 to Holland Tunnel. Enter Manhattan. Take Varick St, Franklin St, Worth St, Catherine St and finally Monroe St.
From Long Island: Get on Northern State Pkway. Merge with I-495. Stay on it until you hit Robert F. Wagner Sr. Place in Manhattan. Get on FDR Drive. Exit 2. Take Madison St to Monroe St.
Public Transportation: Take any bus to the Porth Authority Bus Terminal. Take A/C/E to West 4 St. Transfer to F train Get off East Broadway.
From Grand Central: take the 4/5/6 to Brooklyn Bridge. Walk 14 minutes to 25 Monroe st., NY, New York 10002.